Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I'm so exited it is almost Thanksgiving. Kids love Thanksgiving because they like to get the candy, turkey, and pumpkin pies. But what is the real meaning of Thanksgivig? Why do we celabrate Thanksgiving? Well in homeschool sense it was almost Thanksgiving we studyed and reasearched Thanksgiving so I know the answer. In England the king told the people what churches to go to and things to belive. But there were people called Separatists who wanted to pick there own churches and belifes. So they snuck on to a ship called the Mayflower and set off to what they called the new world. The Separatists on the Mayflower where called pilgrims. The pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower for three months! There were 101 people at first but almost half of them died. One day they heared "land ho". Every one was so excited. Finely were at the new world. The pilgrims rowed up to the shore. But there were already indians living there! The pilgrims found a piece of land and built hospitals for the sick. But there were olny 7 men who were well anough to build the hospitals. One night the indians atacked the pilgrims. But One morning an indian walked up to there camp so some men were brave anough to go up to the indian. The pilgrims talked to him. His name was Samulset. Samulset said he was a Wampanaog. But Samulset only knew a little english. So the pilgrms asked him if there was a person who knew more english. So the indian said he would bring better english. So a new indian came. His name was Squanto. Squanto taught the pilgrims how to live and plant food. But Squanto was not a Wampanaog indian Squanto was cidnaped and sent other contries (thats he leared english). Then the indians and pilgrims got together and brang food and had a feast. Thats why we celabrate Thanksgiving.

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