Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Learn About Bugs Part 1 Names of Bugs

This is a thing I have learned from a book called The Dangerous Book for Boys .  It is the bugs name and then it is translated fro English to Greek.  I learned a lot from it so I hope you do to.

Grasshoppers = Orthoptera
Earwigs = Dermaptera
Mayflies = Ephemeroptera
Dragonflies and Damselflies = Odonta
(By It's self Dragonflies are Anisoptera and Damselflies are Zygoptera.)
Pond skater = Gerris lacustris
Water boatman = Notonecta glauca
Moths = Lepidptera
Beetles = Coleoptera
Deathwatch Beetle  = Xestobium rufovillosum
Glowworms = Lampyris noctiluca
Ladybugs = Coccinelidea
Stag beetle = Lucanu cervus
Bumble bee = Bumbus terristris
Honey bee and hive bee = Apis mellifera
Common wasp = Vespula vulgaris
Hornet = Vespa crabro
Ants = Formicidae

Now read this carefully because in part 2 there will be those words.